Art Blog

Quick Tips  for Selling Your Acrylic Paint Pouring 

A lot of us do this for a hobby and then expand into sales and don't know where to even start to make progress. We don't know how to cost, what's a good place to sell, fees that are included etc etc.  I've been doing this since 2017 and have learned some things along the way, these may give you some thoughts for yourself. 🎈It's your Art, but it's someone else's interpretation. They may see it as you do, or as something completely different, and that's ok.  🎈The "base price" should be at least the cost of materials, plus your...

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Quick Tips  for Acrylic Paint Pouring 

When I started in 2017 there were around half a dozen methods, these days there's over 90, and more get made all the time. Experimenting is part of this Art form, and what makes it fun! Choose something simple to start with and practice until you feel confident, then expand. I started with flip cups and dirty pours, and still encourage people to do those as a good place to start. You don't need additives to start, but do need a medium. A medium could be glue and water, floetrol, flow medium or pouring medium. There's a range for a...

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What is Acrylic Paint Pouring?

Paint Pouring in a variety of ways has been around for a very long time, in the current form it has roots in the 1960's. The aim of modern paint pouring is to use products (a pouring medium) to thin the paint down until it can flow well, then with additives and heat create distinct patterns with movements from a variety of tools.  A simple definition is: Acrylic Paint Pouring is the method of making acrylic paint flow in a variety of ways to create pleasing patterns that are usually abstract in nature.  The methods used for paint pouring when I started in 2017...

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