Art Classes

Regular Art Classes are on hold while I am sourcing a new venue. :)

Private classes, Art parties and team building events at your home or office are subject to availability.

Any questions, get in touch!


About the Artist

Art should be fun!

An abstract Artist, I experiment with a range of Art forms capturing the wonders of the world around us. I love the freedom Art brings to self expression, whether displaying a piece or creating our own.

I share methods, processes and experiments through social media, on YouTube and in workshops and courses.

A degree qualified Artist (BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts) I added Acrylic Paint Pouring to my journey in 2017. I love the way the paint moves and interacts, as well as the colour blends, cells and extras that can be made from "playing" with fluid art. It's a great addition to Abstract Art forms.

Magenta Quinn. BFA

Found Art Project

I started my version of this during Covid, and the greatest achievement wasn't being a finalist for the Australia Day Awards, but the number of people who excitedly went searching for treasure every week when the world was closed.

I was contacted often by people who had found their own piece of joy and wanted to thank me personally.

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